Art Streiber

Art Streiber’s project Class of 2020 exemplifies the unwavering drive he has to create. In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, that stifled and strained production worldwide, Art turned limitations into opportunities. With Class of 2020, Art invited high school seniors (who were otherwise confined to their homes) to join him one by one in the makeshift studio that he constructed in the backyard of his office. He shot one enchanting portrait of each student in a mask and one expressive image of the same student (with something or someone that illustrated an aspect of their character). Recently, an image from the project was chosen to be featured in American Photography 37. With safety protocols in place, Art is shooting commissioned and personal projects, both in studio and on location. He continues to find and share with all of us the inspiration that can be found under any circumstances. Click here to view more of Class of 2020. 

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